10. Stack Discounts Widget

The Stack Discounts Widget allows you to present your campaigns and discounts to customers in a visually appealing manner.

It is perfect for automatic campaigns. When you create an automatic discount in Shopify, customers will see the discount on the cart page or at checkout when they purchase related items.

But what if you want to inform customers about eligible products to prompt them to buy? Our widget solves this by displaying all savings opportunities, thereby increasing conversions.

The widget also allows customers to directly add discount-related products to their cart and proceed to checkout. It is ideal for special occasions like Black Friday, Women's Day, and more. We have even built a themes library for this purpose, which we will discuss later.

You can fully customize the widget's colors and text.

It can also be used for code campaigns. When you have at least one code campaign, customers will see a discount code input on the widget. Upon applying the campaign code, the discount will be visible in the widget and presented to customers.

The Stack Discounts Widget is visible by default. However, if you prefer not to use the widget and only require our discount combination logic without displaying the discounts, you can hide the widget in the settings.

Last updated